Grocery List VIII

It‘s was really sunny today yesterday.

and I’m beginning to write this while on a break in my web design class. This is helping control my urge to kick the window out, fly through the opening and roll around in the sunny grass.
I guess I could use a door. Plus the grass would ruin my pants.
These past few cold nights have been making me crave soup and garlic bread. Even if Steve doesn’t like soup. He can have extra garlic bread.(via epicurious)
My friend Anna just found this beauty. Even if I don’t care for sweet potatoes, I want a giant bowl of chili the size of my face right now topped with steak fry bidness. (via Diane, A Broad)
Category is: Cheesecake! Steve’s been bugging me to make some for him for a few days now. Whatevs. (via Nigella Lawson)

I do not like cottage cheese. But I would totally try it in pancakes. (via Shutterbean)

I do like pasta. A lot. I also like pesto. A lot. And I want to make this broccoli cream pesto and bathe in it. Right now. (via Smitten Kitchen)

I have half a large can of pumpkin in my fridge right now. I’ll try and make you pumpkin butter on Thursday. Then I’ll try and share it with you.

DIY Wall Fillers: Geometric Notans

Here it is, my first ever home dec. slash DIY post! Everybody Freak Out. Everybody Dance Now.
This first post sort of came to me while in class the other day with a project in my super senior color and design class. I should have taken this class more than a couple years ago, but put it off until now.
Look what I learned.
It seems that for almost any of the projects so far I’ve taken an extremely geometric approach to them. We made some notans the other day, basically focusing on positive and negative space, cutting one piece out and glueing it down to reflect the space we just cut out. The results are really awesome, and you can fill an 8×10 frame with just a 4″ square of paper. And it’s practically free.
I mentioned to my friend Anna how cool it would be to cut up some old National Geographics and use those instead of the black paper. I looked through one and found 7 amongst the ruins of others cutting through all the pages.
Yes that man is missing his head. Yes, said head does photobomb the image to the right of it. It’s just the rules and regulations of cutting through an old National Geographic from the 80s. Those three on the right were the final contenders. That one at the top got the frame.
I chose National Geographics because: 
a) they’re cheap at thrift stores.
b) they’ve got vibrant colors
& c) the pages are fairly thick so they can hold up to the cutting and the glue.
Go get some. I’ll wait.
Now let’s get started.

Supplies you’ll need:
National Geographic Magazines, or possibly some photographs?(!)
Xacto knife
Cutting mat
glue stick
optional: paper cutter and graph paper
Side Note: If you have a smart phone and you shop at Michael’s or Joanns and you haven’t downloaded they’re apps, shame on you. Just do it right now. You’ll thank me later when you get your Xacto knife and extra blades for half off.
Now we can really get started.
Flip through and choose a few different pages that have 4×4 sections that float your boat/melt your butter.
Cut out the pages, then cut out the 4×4 squares. Those paper cutters are stellar tools for this.
Then do yourself a favor and, using your pencil, lightly draw a 1/2″ grid on the back of the sheets. My solution for making exact matching pieces on opposite sides of the page, plus I think it helps with the design a little bit. If you cannot draw on the back because the paper’s too thin, or there’s an image obstructing the view, try gluing some graph paper onto the back.

Using the guide above, cut where you see the dotted lines, slowly with an Xacto knife.
At this point, you’re probably thinking, I could probably do this in photoshop, or Illustrator. I’ll have you know that’s not as awesome, but yes you probably could.
Once all the cutting is done, you should be able to flip it all over and then rotate the pieces out and match up the corners. Now you’re ready to glue
I used a good glue stick and some white cardstock, but if you wanted to use a different paper then go for it. You could also use any other paper medium instead of the national geographic. Here ar the other two squares, one with the same pattern and the other with a different one.
Steve said he liked the purple one the best, so the cool thing is these can easily be switched up for a rotating notan extravaganza. That should have been the title of this post.
And here for you is the pattern for the one on the left:
I wanna see some more, Steve said it would be cool if they were huge. Somebody do that. Go have fun and make some of these!
Also there’s going to be a little succulent post coming your way within the next couple of weeks. Awesome planting options!!

Weekend Update

We live in Humboldt County. This means we’re not only a couple miles from the beach, but we’re also a couple miles from the redwoods. On Sunday the weather was insanely nice and we took the opportunity to take a nice walk to let crazy Mose run around.
Basically, this dog loves the forest. He can scale hills faster than I can blink and then just sits there with this happy look that’s saying “what the hell is taking you so long?”
I think as long as there’s no rain, this might end up being a weekend ritual. As long as we stay away from a particular spot where, several months ago, Mose decided to run through a bush / hidden nest of meat bees and not be phased at all by them while I got bit a few times trying to wipe them off him.
That kid is crazy.
Hope everyone had an awesome weekend full of forests and sun, maybe some unicorns, and is more mentally prepared than I am for the rest of this week.

Grocery List VII / It’s Fall Again

I’ve been in a blog funk these past couple months.

I honestly haven’t cooked anything blog worthy, or had the gumption to put together a DIY but I feel out of the funk, with a little more free time and I feel like I can throw some bidness together. I’m back down to one job, and am slowly putting together a project/venture that I can’t wait to throw out into the world like a handful of confetti.

Until then, there’s an announcement: Fall is here.

We went from having sort of sunny-ish days to boom gloom all day which means I can wear one outfit the entire day, drink more hot coffee and wear desert boots everywhere.

I’ve had a craving to make my butterscotch pumpkin bread for a few days now. I’ve also had the craving to eat an entire loaf by myself.

I’ve had the weird urge to put pesto on everything, including my face.

The last of those summer tomatoes should be going in this crazy fast dinner.

If you haven’t discovered Megan’s blog yet, get on that. And make these waffles. Every. Sunday. Morning. (via Take a Megabite)

This just happened yesterday. That means that I should probably be eating pizza at least 3 times a week, right? (via Joy the Baker)


That’s all for now.

But seriously this should all happen. Who else is excited for fall foods?!

Grocery List VI / Instagram Quickie

Summer is a little over half way over. I have yet to write a Summer bucket list. That’s coming this weekend with a day off and lots of food consuming. (Update to myself: I started this Monday Afternoon during my lunch break. It’s now Saturday Sunday morning and I’m finishing it up.) Until then, let’s focus on internet deliciousness.

First off, two-fer – This Coffee S’mores Pie from Megan makes me want to punchdance for an hour so I can eat the entire pie by myself in one sitting. Then I’m taking the ganache infusing secrets and using those to add extra shazamm to some fudgesicles. (via Take a Megabite)

More Necessary Punchdancing! – I’m thinking coffee ice cream and some toasted hazelnuts or almonds to coat the outside? or maybe some strawberry ice cream with macadamia nuts? Whoa. (via Cupcakes and Cashmere)

Breakfast for every meal – Bacon, corn, potatoes, onions. Bless your soul Deb. And bless sweatpants. (via Smitten Kitchen)

Lastly I need to tell you to grill your romaine before this summer is over. Walk out to your BBQ grill and lightly grill for like a minute on either side, and chop it up with some parmesan, and a dash of olive oil and rice vinegar – vavavoom for dinner.

Stephen Shore: Uncommon Places

When Steve and I first started dating he came to visit and heard me mention my artistic hard on for Stephen Shore while I was editing some photos for a project. He made a note and bought one of the best christmas presents I’ve received in probably forever.Apparently he’s really good at surprises. And listening. And buying christmas presents. No big deal.Stephen Shore is one of the greatest photographers of all time. He knows his way around a color photograph. I swear some of his images have almost sent me into convulsions of excitement. This monograph is filled with just gorgeous photos that prove that and below I’ve picked out some of my favorites. Go pick yourself up a copy or gift it to someone. Just see what happens.Also fun fact: the photo on the cover is Eureka. From when Eureka was a popular city.Also fact#2: J.CREW casually sells this in their suit store. Just in case my push to get it wasn’t enough.  Also last fact: That final photo of that girl down there in the pool might just be one of my all time favorites.

A Few Radical Weekends

These past few weekends have been fantastic. First there was a trip to Fort Bragg to see my little sister graduate high school (Congratulations Chelsea!!) and with the trip there was sun forever, sunburns, lots of dogs, and amazing family time with my sister, brother in law, and comedic nephews.

There was also Steve’s amazing ceviche and a beach trip that gave me the sunburn. Aaaaaand we managed to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner outside that Saturday. That’s how gorgeous the weather was down there.

I want it to happen again. Right now.

The following weekend was Pride down in SF. It was my first time at the festival and Steve and I had an amazing weekend times a thousand. The (window) shopping alone made the trip worth while and the half naked men with crazy balloon things tied to them didn’t hurt anything.

We got to spend a good amount of time with our friend Joey, who just moved to the city, and had some great food while we were down there:

  • In N Out was probably the first stop once we were into the city.
  • Steve and I had Food Truck food for the first time during the Pink Party in the Castro. There was fried rice in a burrito. Bless the person that invented that.
  • & while we were walking to the BART station to head back to the hotel we passed a lady making pupusas on a griddle outside a restaurant and Steve insisted I have at least 2 topped with some uhhmazing pickled cabbage. Joey – we’re hitting that up next time.
  • also note to self and anyone else that cares: the Starbucks in the Castro has the cutest/nicest baristas – ever.

Speaking of BART,  I managed to figure out the BART system pretty nicely so now I’m a total pro for next time. I also didn’t have to worry about driving in the city so nobody was at risk of being punched in the throat. 

The final weekend involved a wedding for friend of mine and it was a load of fun. Steve made us bow ties so we looked amazing and there was a photo booth(so much fun!!) that I could not figure out the timing on:

Overall, the wedding was great. I managed to not cry and eat a lot of food. The bride looked beautiful and I am currently jealous while she’s in Hawaii getting a tan and I’m taking over at work while she’s gone. She sent me a text the other day and mentioned the fact there’s a national pina colada day.

That’s called every day at my house.

Oh Also, you like the photo at the top of this post? I made you a free wallpaper for your electronic goodness to download here.

Instagram Quickie: Roasted Strawberry and Coconut Popsicles

A couple days ago I had a nice picnicish dinner with a few lovely ladies and we had an awesome salad with strawberries, these roasted strawberry and coconut popsicles, and chocolate covered strawberries.

Strawberry explosion, in our faces, all unplanned.

We also had discussions of the 90s and the awesome clothes we wore as children + even more awesome hairstyles. It was fantastic, and the perfect way to sort of kick off summer.

I knew I wanted to make these popsicles as soon as I found them through Pinterest. They were pretty damn amazing. Not overly sweet, really refreshing, and roasting the strawberries softens them perfectly and sweetens them just a bit. One of my biggest dislikes about strawberry ice cream is biting into hard as a rock frozen strawberry pieces. Real Talk: I will straight up spit that out if you serve it to me.

One thing that is surprising to me is that I’m having a hell of a time finding popsicle molds. They’re extra popular this year and I would think some of the box stores would jump on that. Because of this, I decided to run with the small plastic cups and popsicle stick method. I bough these ones at Target for $3.99, and they have a couple extra colors, so that might be fun. There’s 80 in a pack, which is well worth it to me, seeing as the popsicle mold I really want from Amazon, is $10. I think you might even be able to get some plain plastic cups at restaurant supply stores for a good deal.

When needing to get the popsicles out of the mold, you can run the cup under hot water like a normal person, real quick like, and pop it out that way or you can go action movie status like me and squeeze the cup, using the heat of your hand and shooting it out, making people jump.

To each his own.

Expect quite a bit more popsicle recipes this summer. They’ll be happening.

I would also highly consider making these with other berries or even (my next attempt) cherries, using the same roasting process

These popsicles are below.

Roasted Strawberry and Coconut Popsicles
Adapted Slightly from The Year in Food

Makes 7 in those small plastic dixie cups.

3/4 lb Strawberries, about 12 medium strawberries*
1/4 c + 1T white sugar
1 15 oz can full fat coconut milk

Preheat the oven to 425

Hull and quarter, or eighth(?) them if they’re bigger, all the strawberries, and place on foil lined baking sheet. Toss with the 1T sugar, and roast in the oven for 12 min until softened and possibly browned.

While these are going, mix the coconut milk with the 1/4 c sugar in a large measuring cup, or really anything with a pouring spout, thoroughly so the sugar dissolves.

When the strawberries are done, let them cool 5-10 min, and add to the coconut milk and sugar mixture.

While the strawberries cool, cut small squares of foil, large enough to cover the tops of the cup with a little slit in the middle for the stick. This makes it so you don’t have to wait for any setting, and you’ll have a perfectly placed stick, unlike mine up there where you kind of had to tilt your head to eat them. I had no foil.

Pour mixture into cups, about 3/4 of the way, place foil over the tops and edges and place popsicle stick (buy them at the dollar store) in the slot and place in the freezer for at least 4 hours.

Remove popsicles from molds by running cups under hot water very quickly.

*The original recipe called for 1/2 lb of strawberries. I loved the jammy presence I would up to 3/4, maybe even a full pound. That’s just me. Also I just used the regular roasting times I used for vegetables. You could follow the time and temperatures with great results. I was just in a hurry.

Story of my life.

Best Mom Ever + Mimosa 2.0

That woman up there is my mother.

That chipmunk/human mutant hybrid in her arms is me.
Before I make note of how awesome she is, I would like everyone to take note of her awesome 90s shirt. Stripes and polka dots on that pocket + I spy some color blocking shoulders. Girl’s got it happening.
Looking for this picture made me realize how little pictures I have of her and I together. and how long it’s been since I’ve seen her. That needs to change.
Basically, my mom is the best. She’s shown me nothing but love and support, through just about everything I’ve wanted to do. I know there were times as a kind when I was a real class A pain in the ass, and I’m sure there still is, but she did everything she needed to do to make me the fabulous young man I am today.
She always knows how to make me laugh, she had to perfect awkward response when I came out to her, and she makes one hell of a taco salad. All three – very important things.
Just in case you were wondering mom, you did everything perfectly, you really are the best, and I love you. Expect a phone call real soon.
I hope everyone has an awesome weekend/mother’s day and if you get the chance and you’re of age have some brunch, aka morning alcohol time, and let her tell embarrassing stories from your childhood or just relax and get tipsy together.
a little something something to help with that after the jump…

Mimosa’s are usually just the straight forward orange juice and champagne. Instead of that, spruce them up a bit with an inexpensive bubbly wine (our favorite is yellow tail’s moscato) and a few different juices or fruit nectar’s. Top that with a squeeze of lime or grapefruit and you have something that you could easily serve at a brunch.

To get tipsy with your mom.

A quick suggestion would be no matter what juice/nectar you’re using, put it in nice glass bottles or measuring cups to serve. Treat yo’ self.

Also a quick tip – Target has that yellow tail moscato in large bottles for $12. So, now you can have 2 or 3 of these.

Grocery List V

This semester is officially over.

*cue confetti rain, fireworks, cheerleaders, monster trucks, and tshirt cannons that are firing off ice cream sandwiches*

This means more grilling, more working, and more *fingers crossed* blog up-keeping.

Since I have a little more free time, my grocery lists might actually be coming to fruition.

Let’s see what happens after I write this one.

21 Boozy Popsicles (poptails) for your tipsy enjoyment – last week I gave you just the one, with no alchohol. Now I send you off with a whole list, all involving some adult juice. (via Endless Simmer)

I will make cold brew coffee this summer – and drink it way too fast. (via Smitten Kitchen)

More cold drinks – I feel like I’ve posted this before, but I’ve been wanting that ginger pineapple business since I read that post – forever ago. (via Matt Bites)

Yes, Please – I discovered this no churn ice cream on pinterest and it’ll be happening real soon. (via Martha Queen of Everything Stewart)

Also happening real soon? Everything we can cook on the grill. We bought a small propane one from Target a few weeks ago and we’ve already blown through one of the small tanks, and it’s all been delicious, and I think these turkey burgers are next.

I also need to crash a BBQ, if only to bring this potato salad. It makes a ton, and I can only polish off about half of that.

And, since I seem to have a thing for confetti rain, I leave you with this piece of goodness. It also involves a giant green velvet lined disco ball that Florence Welch herself emerges from.  Need I say more? Yes, I do. You can totally turn this on whilst grilling turkey burgers and pretend you’re rapping the lyrics.

Not that I do that or anything.